Verizon 3G settings in android?
This week I reflashed my XV6900 to android, and got it working on verizon, so I decided to add a data plan to my phone today, since android makes having 3g worthwhile.
The only problem is, #777 calls don't work, presumably because the APN settings in android aren't configured properly.
I set up a new APN called "verizon", set the APN to "vzw", the username to my ten digit phone number, and the password to "vzw". MCC is at the default 310, and MNC is 260.
The fields "Proxy", "Port", "Server", "MMSC", "MMS Proxy", "MMS Port", and "APN Type" are all not set.
Is the problem on my end, or do I have to wait a day for verizon to turn on my data plan?