Originally Posted by raidzero
what do you mean disable the lock screen?
also to darren, data disconnect is required to disconnect data (it doesn't just provide that pop-up) I have been working to get rid of the popup but so far all I have gotten it to do is draw the text correctly. lol
to whoever asked if it was possible to get the WM default titanium look back, yes it is. I can cab that up and post it.
about the aqua - also still working on this. What happened was I got rid of setting the TSK with RunCC and tried to set all the theme elements manually so it would boot faster. I succeeded everywhere except that ONE color! also still working on that, quite a pain. I may just have to accept the few extra seconds it takes to set a TSK..
EDIT: here is the slow, clunky, original microsoft-intended titanium in a cab, installing this will of course remove any non MS panels like favorites, power, toggles....
I would like to remove the lock screen from the kitchen so it won't cook in. I have a Verizon model TP2 and maybe there is something in the EPST setting that the lock screen doesn't like. I found a folder in the kitchen that said RZ_Lock Screen and deleted it but its still in the rom, so I guess that wasn't it.
Honestly Man your kitchen and Rom's work great compared to other I've tried. And thank you for sharing your kitchen and time. The lock screen is my only issue really and its not bad.
About the Aqua color: I can't speak for everyone but if it takes a few more seconds for perfection...well I can wait 10 more.