Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
proof, dont reallly care if you trust me or not, its free so proof is no bill, i told you how to do it or where to start. tmo wants people and sprint doesnt want to loose people, im under no sprint contract and was with them 10plus years and tmo knows this from records and hearing my call to sprint, the deals there if i want it. believe me or not, no skin of my ass if you dont.
I think you've misunderstood me mate. I never said I don't believe you
I do in fact completely believe you, all I was saying was that if you post a receipt here showing what you said then other people can take that in to T-Mo and use that to try and get the same deal that's all. No skin off my back since I don't believe in contracts personally and I will be paying the full off-contract price. If you go back and reread my post you'll find that this is consistent