Originally Posted by skyj635
That actually is a good question about the update file. I know for a fact that SPH-M900_ZE14.3_KERN_SPR.tar.7z is the kernal and the file you will want to use with the tutorial. I used it and I am running ZE14.3 now. Just make sure you rename the Zefie file and either take the sprint file out of the directory or rename it and you will be fine. I will do a little research on some of the other forums to find out what the update files are and how to apply them. Also I wouldn't be too worried about bricking your phone. It is actually harder to do than you think. Just don't mess around with the device drivers and keep a backup around and you should be ok.
That is exactly what I was asking.
Also, glad to know it's tougher to brick the phone then I thought. I have zero android experience, and I don't want to learn the hard way!