Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
im on a ppc so upload it to tinypic or photobucket so its bigger, cant view thumbs. thanx
Ok so it won't switch to off........
...unless I put it into Airplane mode and then switch the airplane mode switch back off then data stays off
I don't have any data issues or any pop us............ Here ya go as requested
I have always been under the impression that the data connection may be active , visible by the comm manager switch, BUT that it goes into a dormant or idle phase...indicated by the arrows in the taskbar changing from on to off. I've also always believed from previous discussions that the data going dormant is actually more batt efficient than if the data connection actually terminates..........
What exactly is the issue you are getting at Darren? That it won't deactivate and go into Airplane mode? Im confused.......