Originally Posted by the7thson
Cool, thanks for sharing! I would consider doing something like this, but I'm not really interested in a contract so I'll just pay the $450, that's already super cheap imo so it's quite alright with me.
I bet if you posted some sort of receipt or proof of this purchase whenever you have it all sorted, it would help out a bunch of people here that want to do something similar.
Thanks again, I hit the button for you also.
proof, dont reallly care if you trust me or not, its free so proof is no bill, i told you how to do it or where to start. tmo wants people and sprint doesnt want to loose people, im under no sprint contract and was with them 10plus years and tmo knows this from records and hearing my call to sprint, the deals there if i want it. believe me or not, no skin of my ass if you dont.