Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
the color is easy fix, start/settings/today, it just looks like raid hit a diff. one on this beta. data issue needs fixed though. dont like airplane mode.
Thanks for the info on the color Darren. I hadn't even messed with changing anything yet, just fig Raid must have bumped a setting when flying around the kitchen! Check this beaut out!
I am not having the data issue......carrier issue perhaps....? I haven't had an issue on any of the BETAs yet. With or without a VZW prov. cab data has been flawess for me.
The lockscreen/dialer issue only happened one time to me on the 002b version. I hit lock in the start menu, then unlocked it right after the lockscreen popped up. Didn't set it to pw lock or add any lock settings, just unlocked it and didn't lock it again. Well the first call I had come in the lockscreen and the dialer wanted to fight for display time......but it picked the call up. I took the call and when I went to end the call it was the WM screen not the HTC screen. Never did it again, even after I tried to recreate teh circumstances.....
Haven't had it happen on the 002RC yet either. I will say however that I had this same thing happen on Mr.X, BarhS, and also NRG in the same wierd and random fashion. Only one time per ROM as well then never again......
All in all this ROM is very impressive!!! I love the fact Raid din't add abunch of apps/crap that some peeps will never use. I am with him in the belief it helps the ROM run smoother and FASTER!!