Originally Posted by allston232
It looks like I locked myself out of my sprint phone. after I installed this Provision fix, now I typed the same password (4 digits), the phone keeps saying it's the wrong password. I don't know if anyone has this problem. If you do/did, then how did you go about to fix it? I don't care about the data inside as I just had backed up. I can flash a new into it if ActiveSync would let me as you need the password to unlock the phone to sync with ActiveSync. Or if you found a way to bypass activesync connection to sync directly to the phone, then please let me know. I am without a phone for 1 day and it seems like an eternity. Thanks.
Hard reset your phone using the button combo. (Volume down, Green send button, power button... I think)
Keep in mind, this will erase all your info starting you with a "fresh rom"