Originally Posted by jeep670
I'm a bit confused... due to the fact that the modules archive included in this is 10 times smaller that the one included in other posted distros (ie, XDANDROID.01.03.10 I am currently using).
are we supposed to add this modules together with the existing one or to replace it?
I see what you're saying, there are 49 files in the modules file I was using and 5 in the file included with the hack.
The five files that are in the new modules exist in the old on, but the newer files are a new date and some are different file sizes. I tried to merge the new files into the old modules but WinRar wouldn't do it. Think I'll download 7zip and see if it will.
I sucessfully merged the files and this has made a HUGE improvement in the touchscreen. I was also able to come out of sleep unlike the poster a few comments down.