Originally Posted by mkc90
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.7 (WindowsMobile; PPC; Opera Mobi/35267; U; en; Presto/2.1.1))
Wow thats a lot of cabs..is the rom still fast ?? after installing every 1 of those cabs?? n wow would u mine sharing them..i wonder what some of them do tho lol
LMAO that is why this is my favorite ROM! IT NEVER SLOWS DOWN!! I have been installing most of these cabs for some time now and this ROM still is as fast as it was when I flashed it. I LOVE IT!!
Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
i got like 40 games alone loaded plus double that many apps/cabs, no slowdown issues for me.
what apps you wanna know about? if its alot, google the app name.
Haha 40 games Darren??? wow. I have a folder with about 40 games but I never installed all of them at once. But then again you do live on your phone so I guess they would come in handy. +1 on googling the apps too. But if you must ask I dont mind telling.