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Old 03-14-2010, 12:49 AM
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Re: How do you run "ShootMe"

Originally Posted by mandymariee View Post
I rooted my phone.
I downloaded "ShootMe".

I try to run ShootMe and it says "Failed starting server. Please check that you have ***ROOT*** access on your device and enabled access to the lower level graphics"

What's going on? It's def. rooted, but I don't know if it is enabled for access to the lower level graphics. I basically just know how to press the down volume and end key to get to the root screen and whatever screen the home button takes me to.

Can someone help me out here? I just wanna be able to take screen shots!
Well, since shootme is the application that you SHOULD be able to run when you are root, you probably aren't root. Try it again.

I don't understand that last paragraph, other than you seem to think you are root, what makes you think that? What screen do you get when you press home?
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