Originally Posted by bsarlo
I am planning on trying out Sashimi for the first time after I flash today's ROM. I think I have it set up to create my outlook email account and my hotmail email account. I think I also have it set up to install all of my cabs:
psShutXP Power KeyTProSkinBlue
Battery Monitor
TP2-Batt 1%
Opera 10 as Default Browser
Opera 10 Fixes (Default Rotate)
Opera 10 Rotate G-Sensor
Sprint Keyboard Fix
Are any of these unnecessary or useless for this 13th release? Are there any others you would suggest?
Is there a way to quickly restore Quick Links or Home Screen Tabs? Or is there a thread someone could point me to?
Does anyone have an opinion on Sashimi? Is there a better program available?
I want to thank everyone who's posted in this thread. Especially the PunchROM posts. Because every time there is a PunchROM, I know I should try to find out as much as I can about the PunchROM subject so I don't cause one from any of my posts. I've learned a lot from this thread's 1,300 + posts and I know that there are a lot of experts that check it and help. So, thank you all!
You shouldn't need the opera as default browser cab and personally I would rename these files
Battery Monitor
TP2-Batt 1%
to this
02 Battery Monitor
01 nueBattery
03 TP2-Batt 1%
(I think that's correct)
The reason for this is Sashimi will install cabs in alphabetical order and you want those to install in a certain order as to not overwrite files from the other installs.
Overall looking good though! Fun flashing.