Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
whoever saw a 2.5 3/13 rom its not a tp2 rom but there is one for i think the imigo, is that what it is juggs? eitherway watch where your dling and posting, i almost posted in that rom thread cause youtube was said to be broke. lol
for mms on sprint, all you need is my main sqeeze cab by flyers2114, use the paperclip cause i refuse to post it anymore. lol
I think YP saw the date on my update above and got overly excited ....
As far as the Flyers CAB, I already have it and will use it when I re-flash Mr X shortly. I am trying out a Neodium v9 for a few minutes / hours, whatever right now. But I am sure I will end up back on Mr. X, as it runs great overall, except for the recent BT issue of course. But, as you and Flyers note, I had a couple of suspect patches / cabs loaded. Thanks for all the help as well, and a special thanks Darren, as I have sourced a lot of cabs from you in particular.