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Old 03-13-2010, 07:13 PM
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Re: [ROM] SKI-ROM Build 031310 CE OS 5.2.23542 M2.5.2012/M2.1 - Sashimi Compliant

Originally Posted by modeuce View Post
Thanks for another amazing rom!
I seem to have found a bug with the 031310 build when trying to send a contact a text message. If I select the messaging tab in sense and try to create a new text message, then select the "To:" button to select a name the contacts do not show up correctly. They appear to be in white font with a white background. Not a big deal since the contacts work perfect going through the "phone" button on the home screen first. Yes, I did flash dance. Anyone else experience this?
I see this as well. This version of Manila port has issues with menus and may have some graphical glitches. I think it is a port issue. But no matter, instead of clicking on the "To:" button just start typing a name and the contact picker will display them above the keyboard and you can scroll through them using the arrows displayed.

Originally Posted by modeuce View Post
I was also curious about a couple other things. When I put the screen in landscape the wallpaper isn't centered properly and leaves the bottom half of the screen just black. Also, is there a way to change the order of the quick links on the home screen? Whenever I put the screen in landscape mode the quick links to the right of the clock seem to change the order so that there might be 10 blank links before the the next one comes up. Once again not a big problem but causes a lot of unnecessary scrolling. I hope this doesn't come across as complaining since I really do appreciate all the hard work that goes into creating one of these and I'm sure I might just need to flash dance again.
The landscape wallpaper is also probably a port issue. There is a way to fix the quicklinks scrolling issue. In landscape it displays the 1st of three screens of quicklinks. If you run the cookie home tab editor included in the ROM you can select which of these tabs is the default first to view on the portrait home tab. Select the first one and start adding your quicklinks, then when you go landscape you will see the same ones displayed first on your portrait home tab.

Also, if you are having trouble with activesync do the uncheck the box for faster connection thing. I never had to before but now I always do. I don't know if it is SYS related or not.


Last edited by ahuskins; 03-13-2010 at 07:15 PM.
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