Originally Posted by kirstein
Thanks Kirstein
That is what I thought too.
However, I have a wav file named "HTC_RingBackTone" under my device's Windows directory that an HTC support technician indicated to me that this particular file was for the ringing sound I hear when I am waiting for the person to answer the call I have placed towards them. (Which BTW when I open up this file "HTC_RingBackTone" it does play the ringing sound just like the ones we hear when making a call.)
???? I am a little unclear because I also saw on the Sprint website that the term Ringback Tone can also mean "call back tone" where those who are trying to make a call to another person hear a customized ring tone set up by the person they are trying to call. (ie. music, sound effect etc. while they are waiting for thier call to be answered.)
Here is that Sprint link
http://search.sprint.com/inquiraapp/ui.jsp?ui_mode=question&charset=iso-8859-1&language=en-US&user.status=prospect&user.site=safeharbor&quest ion_box=ringback+tone
As you can see, it says certain phones are not supported such as IDEN, RIM or Window based phones. Does that mean no call back tones peroid or just no call back tones that I can get from Sprint???
Anyone have a better clue than I do?