Originally Posted by Catman51
Don't forget us Stock Rom people!!
Hey how can I forget... I am using stock 6.1 lol so expect an update soon. I am away so its been difficult but I started to create some glass icons. Check back soon.
Originally Posted by medic88
I just flashed back to 2.1 and now i think i have to go back to 2.5 . That theme is sweet! Looking forward to the finished product.
Thanks. currently working on 2.5 so you might see crimson and be able to use it.
Originally Posted by demonlordoftheround
The transparent icons and silverish clock are killer!
Thanks, I appreciate the compliment... made it for stock 6.1 and will also transfer it 2.1 and 2.5. But as always have to take care of those still on stock 6.1. So it should be out monday or tuesday (for stock 6.1) all others will follow.