Originally Posted by bytethegroove
Maybe a few in here can a create a sticky FAQ thread
Unfortunately, I don't think a sticky FAQ would help. The first post contains enough information to get people going and there already are a few pages with information on what works and doesn't work as well as a FAQ.
See my sig. The problem is people do not want to search.
It's not just the newbies with a couple of posts.. I've seen some really basic questions asked by people with over 50 posts..member for several months..etc.. These people should know how to search but being lazy is much easier.
I'm on other boards that don't allow posting to certain threads until a certain post is read.. that post includes information on how to search, what thread to read before posting..etc.
I'm not familiar with what vBulletin (the software this forum uses) can do, but something like this would hopefully decrease the number of newbie questions. I subscribe to this thread to get emailed when there are updates, but most of the updates to this thread or basic android on TP2 101 questions.
This is a thread about something which is actively being worked on and is by no means complete.. It's great the progress is being made available to everyone, but it's almost a double edge sword. If I was a developer, I would be annoyed by the posts asking when this and that will be done.. or this is great but feature X should have been fixed first.
Come on people.. Use the brain a little!!!!
enough ranting for now...
if data doesn't work, take our your sim card
sound doesn't work
it won't charge while in Android
GPS doesn't work