Originally Posted by wizardhead
Can Someone please tell me why in the world does my battery only last about 2 hours and its a brand new TP2! even if its idle n it takes forever to charge!
HA! There ya go Rip. Now it's your turn. Thanks given as well.
2 hours... that's a little excessive for what we get. Without being to techinical... I advise you to shut ..stuff ..off.
Wifi, Weather update to 1 hour, shut off e-mail sync and look through ninjaduck's cabs. See what happens. Time for a new battery?
Originally Posted by badwolf
off topic alert....
The hang up button, far right hard key, lately seems more depressed than the other keys. It works but it is harder to press since it is lower...
What to do? can i get it exchanged at a store? should I call my sprint rep or just *2.
If I wait i might get something better like when my 6700 was bad and they gave me a 6800
anyone else have key trouble?
Wait... what?? How did you even get in here? Bring it to sprint. They can't see that there are no scratches or damage from dropping it over the phone. The sprint rep (on your good side) can at least vouch for you.