Originally Posted by MrPippy
I was PMing with Earmuffs (who has USCC) and we were comparing data from EPST, specifically the Security tab. Under PPP USER ID and PASSWORD, my phone (Sprint) is just blank, while USCC uses <TenDigitPhone#>@uscc.net for user id, and <TenDigitPhone#> for password. Right now in Android, PPP doesn't use any username/password, and I think this might be the problem.
I'd like to test out this theory--could a USCC user PM me their phone #? I'll put the username/password into a rootfs and send it to back to you.
If anyone wants to try it themselves, you need to put the username/password into the rootfs in init.etc/ppp/pap-secrets, like so:
<TenDigitPhone#>@uscc.net (tab) * (tab) <TenDigitPhone#>
the mcc and mns are different too. not sure if changing that will work
i did what you said, booted into linux and mounted the rootfs.img and so far when trying to get on 3g it never showed the icon, i phone eventually rebooted itself. going to look around at some different stuff though
Well i went and added the mcn and mcc numbers into the apn xml file and not change, when i did the thing that mrpippy said to do the 3g light stays on all the time now.