Originally Posted by raidzero
Thanks guys. I have been tweaking away and gotten the time from power button to manila loaded down to 75 seconds. Titanium boots in 54 seconds. These tweaks should affect the overall speed of the ROM and already I can see them affecting the RunCC set-up time. I took out the manual execution of a few provxml's I had, made them mxipcolds (so they only get applied on first boot, instead of every boot :rollseyes: ) all runcc does now is set the TSK, I need to find the way to set that via reg and all RunCC will be responsible for is UC and sashimi
I want this to be the best yet. I will try to get the RC up tonight for the testers and if they say its good, real release will follow
I have never used private testing before, its working pretty well. so big thanks to all the testers!
No THANK YOU RAID.....this BETA is no BETA.....It is the BEST 6.5.x out there already as is! Thanks for the chance to test for ya! I am down anytime!
I am positive this ROM will not let anyone down. FAST, STABLE, and lots of free room to play!