Originally Posted by JonathanWarrick
My question is, will going with a stable ROM such as DCD's or Custel's when he releases one and keeping the number of applications I install and run to a minimum solve this completely? I'm experiencing this even after a few hours use with no other programs running, so I don't think that's the way a phone should operate "smoothly." Or am I completely wrong, is this just something I have to get used to and accept? If that's the case, I may be considering the wrong phone.
I'm running dcd's clean rom 1.6.8 on my phone, and I still experience the problems you mention. After a soft reset, I usually have around 28MB of RAM free and things run well and smooth. If I don't soft reset after a couple of days, I get down closer to 10-13MB free and things start to slow down like you mention. The screen takes longer to change orientation (though not as long as you mention), and the messages are delayed to come up. Those aren't awful, but I do hate when I type 2 or 3 words of a text message before they actually show up on screen. Unfortunately, I haven't seen any roms that fix the memory leaks in Windows Mobile. It might just be something you have to get used to and accept. But compared to soft-resetting multiple times a day, doing it once every day or two isn't too bad of an option.
Finally, on a separate note, is there any downside to doing several soft-resets a day if necessary? Eventually over the next week or so I want to tweak it to not have to do this, but for now, is that ok?
Not that I know of...I used to do it quite often with my 6700.