Ok, yes I know this may be the wrong thread but I thought you might like to hear it anyways. I was at the gym, and my phone kept locking (Long press end key) and then I tried to make a call and it kept hanging up on me..... So I tried hitting the power button and turning the screen off, the funny things is the lights on just the bottom hardware buttons were flickering so slightly and randomly. Now none of the hardware buttons work at all, volume, power, and bottom buttons. Never the less, somehow (thank god) I got to flash off of this awesome rom, (Thank you Mr.X) and back to crappy Sprint Rom
I will take it back to Sprint in the am so I can get it fixed/replaced with my insurance and back on Mr. X where I should be
Again, Thanks to Mr.X, Cellguy and CMYLXGO, and everyone else that helps on here and their hard work, you all know who you are!