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Old 03-11-2010, 07:32 PM
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Re: Is there any way to import contacts?

Originally Posted by Esazi View Post
There is a way! Transferring contacts from Windows Mobile contacts to a new OS has been a fairly common thing for a quite a while now. Here's how you do it.
1) Go here): (and download the program to your phone. (if the link dies, the program you're looking for it called Thunderbird Contacts Export)
2) Run the program, export your contacts to a file location you can find easily.
3) Put the file on your desktop.
4) Log into your Gmail account (if you don't have one, create one), and click on Contacts. Find the import button and then find your file that you put on your desktop.
5) Click import and wait. After a few moments they will show up on your Android OS.

*Note that if you already have a Gmail account and import your contacts, there will be lots of doubles and some work for you to go through organizing your contacts.

Hope that was helpful.

Thanks man this worked perfectly.
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