Re: |ROM|WWE|BharS|5.2.23544.5.5.0_V2|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5 +eReader|LeoD|XDA_UC|11MAR|Bet
Gonna take it for a spin, have her back by midnight.
Everything seems to load correct, love the titanium theme and setup, may just stay with this instead of Sense. Everything is right there and simple yet sylish. USCC MMS worked right out of the box, Sweet only Xpressyourcell's new dusk rom has EVER done that for me!
so I am truely a NoOb...I forgot to carrier provision the rom, I know..I know. So all is as it should be. Everything is going spendid and I feel like a huge DumbA$$. The night is as it should be. Thanks for the great rom.
Last edited by dapbmonkey4u; 03-11-2010 at 10:44 PM.