Originally Posted by sfxc13
blanking on the name of the file, but it is a jpg in the windows directory. There will be two with identical beginnings but one ends 800x480 and the other ends 480x800.
One is the portrait background th other is the landscape background. You will need to edit the portrait one on your computer to create a landscape version and then replace the landscape file on the phone.
I found the two JPGs you mentioned, (named RunCC_default_bg_480_800.jpg) but editing and renaming the portrait one for landscape (followed by a soft reset) didn't work. I'm still getting what appears to be parts of 2 different pictures (the dartboard and black background mix). It must have something to do with the issue Adrianh85 mentions below.
Originally Posted by Adrianh85
ok i am looking into the large start menu and email scrolling! now the issuse with the manila landscape wallpaper is a problem i think all chefs are having but i am working to fix that!!
this is a list of problems i am working to fix:
email scrolling
enlarged start menu and/or 6.1 start menu replacement!
landscrape wallpaper fix (at first boot)
I noticed that several postings back you mentioned you're working on the email scrolling issue. I wasn't trying to be pushy -- I was just adding my $0.02. This truly is an excellent ROM and I'm loving it.