Re: your a little too late, it was fun while it lasted
Originally Posted by bostonshaker
It is what it is. If you post something like this and it doesn't pan out, you unfortunately have to suffer the ridicule that comes. It has happened too me a few times and you learn to either deal with it or not let it happen. You have to learn to laugh at yourself.
It is all in fun from what I have seen, but if you some here and piss and moan about people slamming the OP, you are essentially doing the same thing, hence the whole Al Sharpton debacle.
The is the unlocker fiasco all over again. Except not as bad..........
I agree. You shouldn't post something like that unless you own it yourself. You posted to get credit in case it actually did get released then people would trust your word from here out but it didn't pan out. To be honest no one really cares or even believed but you got to expect the thread to get wild. My 2cents before its closed.
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