Originally Posted by youngpro83
You can also try flash dancing. From my experience the Sprint stock radio doesnt like to play nicely with custom ROMs. I personally suggest you
Flash back to stock
Hard reset
Clear storage
Flash Custom ROM-Provision
Flash a different radio
Hard reset-Provision
And see how your phone runs without any cabs installed and then start slowly installing them maually soft resetting when prompted. I know its kind of tedious but its worth a try to see if your phone reacts a little better. I personally am using Verizons 1.87.00 I think its called. Not sure but if you go to the radio thread you cant mistake it for any other one.
Edit: I switched ROMs from Mighty Mikes to Mr. X it just plays a little nicer IMO. Also you can try a different ROM. Maybe one that specifically is made for Sprint. Sprint lovers if you like the 2.1 and Neodium Pleutonium I thinks its called if you like 2.5 just a suggestion.
I'm running the stock Sprint radio as that gives me better signal than any others.
Originally Posted by Slipangle
One email account updates every 15 minutes and the other every 2 hours. I like performance, so I don't flood the phone with junk. I can't think of what else is causing it to bog down. I just flashed it again with the Mighty Rom Impact and am going to give this a go. If I have a problem again I might flash it back to stock and call in on my insurance. It is just weird that started happening all of a sudden. That was another reason why I was wondering if it was hardware related.
Try flashing to Mr. X's 2.5 ROM and see how that works for you and see if it runs better, trust me, that ROM has some serious performance...