Originally Posted by findrivr
Presuming I were to find an Imagio at FleaBay, wouldn't I still be at risk of receiving one that VRZ would not allow onto its n/w due to some hack or unlock/lock that is or isn't present?
Couldn't they also just summarily refuse to let you add a non-Verizon purchased phone, as they claim when I issued the query to a rep over the phone?
they will activate any VZW branded phone even if you did not buy it from VZW (e.g. second hand)
they will also activate it despite any mods/hacks/tweaks as long as the ESN is not bad (meaning reported lost or stolen).
If you buy it on ebay and the seller reports it lost/stolen you are screwed, although I don't know if you SIM unlock it and use it on Tmobile or ATT if they can detect blacklisted ESNs.