Originally Posted by accessing
I used to be able to change the system font by simple dropping a font file in Windows - as long as I rename it tahoma, because the registry settings are all set to Tahoma, it's easier that way. Adjusting the registry works just longer. I am not worried about Sense's font because it goes to the system fonts when reading and replying email, surfing the web, file exploring etc. The reason why it's an issue for me now is the font I use is a bold font, but if I substite the bold ttf (tahomabd.ttf) with a lighter one it evens out to my liking. The tahomabd.ttf font is not budging for anything so I will have search for another font. I like the dialer and mms and those are more important than a font I like. It's just one of the things I know people customize. So if anyone wants to customize their system font will just have to do it by registry.
Have you tried backing up all of the .ttf files, then installing a cab, then dropping back in the ones you want? It may work and it may not, but it'd be worth a shot. Here's the thread I get my fonts from
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=532633. It's worth a look. I can't find any other places that have system fonts. I don't know how to make my own. If it's that easy I wouldn't mind giving it a go.
One more thing, how are you trying to replace the file? I had to replace one of them, and I used the copy/move command, hit tree, and put in the windows directory. It never asked me if I wanted to overwrite. I guess it just did it automatically.