Downloading new rom now!!! THANKz man. (Build 23544 CoOkie)
Edit 1:61% done.... come on, come on, come on.... I need a T1 connection damnit!!!

Edit 2: Ohhhh glory!!! its done!!!, uncompressing now... cant hardly type from the emotion!!1
Edit 3: Flashing now... Come on come on... jejeje, Im a junkie man, your roms are awesome... and from the looks of it I am the first to get it???? I AM SO HONORED!!!
Edit 4: Ahh, nevermind, not the first... but I am still excited!
Edit 5: Just aligned the screen, customizations are running.
Edit 6: No MMS right off the back with SPRINT, went in and added the mms information but it did not work. Testing the fix I used with the 23542 build... AWESOME ROM!!!
Edit 7: Alright, got mms working for SPRINT CDMA. the fix is a few posts back. I had 2 leave cus im eating out with the mrs right now, just had to post for you guys. There is also another bug with adding the "to" field in the messaging, i know i found a fix b4. ill post a little how to for SPRINT USERS. FYI, none of the fixes will be mine, just what i have found from other contributors..