Thread: modem as phone
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Old 03-10-2010, 05:16 PM
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Re: modem as phone

So this is the final process then if I want to connect via wifi and not usb or do you only have to do the regedits if you want to connect via usb?

Install XDA-Tom_Codon%20CM%20Wifi%20Internet%20Sharing%20VGA.c ab
Install regedit.Mrln_ARM.CAB to make these reg edits.

1 - using file explorer go to Windows\Start Menu\Programs - delete internect connection sharing

2 install - ICS_and_WModem_Fix cab

3. using a regedit program

Extension="" Delete the "isext.dll" entry



Flags = 4 (it's a DWORD if it doesn't exist.)

4 - soft reset
5 - Start the Internet Sharing application.
6 - Select Sprint under type of connection.
7 - Hit Connect In the Internet Sharing application.
8 - Connect to the Laptop/PC via USB
9 - Done. No other applications needs to run on the PC/Laptop.
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