Originally Posted by biff6789
1) What is the cause for the phone soft resetting itself the first few times you run a new Android build? Is there a way to pervent it?
I am sorry, I don't have an answer for something that doesn't seem to be happening to everyone. There are some that say it goes into a reboot loop, but I don't know if they determined the true answer other than possible corruption on their storage card. Most fixed by formatting their card and copying the files over fresh. Might give that a whirl.
Originally Posted by biff6789
2) Why does Android always act all weird at first boot where some screens are in landscape, and others portait?
Not quite sure, guessing due to the current state of the android build doesn't see the GSensor properly and goes to a default Landscape view. To fix it has been stated to just press your Windows key and you should be good.