so i have my telus hero rooted and everything \/\/ent fine until i got to the rom flashing part. i tried flashing fresh2.0b and it gave me an error
e:failure at line 2:
assert getprop("ro.product.device") == "heroc"
Installation Aborted
I have read for about 5 hours and cant get it
i can access the recovery menu fine and have \/\/iped data and delvik, tried flashing the rom and its an error.
\/\/hen i try flashing fresh1.1 it says successfull but \/\/hen i reboot it just sits at the HERO boot screen and does nothing
i have to take the battery out and load the recovery with the home button
\/\/hat am i doing \/\/rong here? i used the goldcard to root and have ra-hero-v1.6.2.img recovery loaded perfectly
please and thank you