Originally Posted by Jbradthomas
If you have 23518 I have had very good luck with it. I think most of the changes between builds of same COM mainly are in SYS. Don't think MSXipKernel really changes.
If you don't already know looking in DF TaskMan might tell you what is causing the crash.
MSXIPKernel is the part of the native kernel which changes every build, so it does make a difference =P The rest of the native kernel is device-specific.
Since rebuilding with 28011 (modified to have threaded emailing), I've had no suspend-wakeup issues...I think it's a bug with the later 25XXX builds, read about it on the Da_G sys thread.
28011 really has been gold for me. Every time I go back to it, I'm impressed by the stability and speed =)