Thread: unbrick vogue
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Old 03-10-2010, 04:34 AM
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Originally Posted by csifan29
Originally Posted by horndoctor View Post
You can actually run the unlocker from bootloader. Just download the unlocker and place it in a folder on your pc. Then put your phone in bootloader and wait till it says serial. Then connect with usb wait until it says usb on your device and then go to the unlocker folder and run it. I've heard of other people doing it.
Tried this and it doesn't work, seems like it won't accept any OS.
Extract coke 2.31 to an empty folder. Then put device in bootloader and it should say serial. Then connect to pc and it should say usb. Then run ROMUpdateUtility.exe of the folder you extracted the unlocker to. Just like flashing any custom ROM,only this time you are flashing coke 2.31 unlocker. Process takes 3-5 sec to upgrade from 0% to 100%.
One other question. Did you try to use the .41 unlocker? If so, then you may have to flash a non-gps rom from your storage card. I hope not.
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