Originally Posted by makkonen
locomariachi: OK, if you want to repartition your sd card, here's the super bare bones instructions on how to do it. There's probably an easier way, but a quick google search doesn't get me any closer to knowing what it is. WARNING: GParted is a powerful tool. If you touch your main hard drive with it, you can trash everything in an instant and be left with an unbootable computer. Be wary.
Backup your SD Card.
Download Ubuntu 9.10.
Burn to CD.
Boot into Ubuntu.
Connect your phone to the computer, in Mass Storage mode (from WinMo).
Open GParted. (From System menu -> Administration)
Select the SD Card. (Be Careful -- Here be dragons)
Delete ALL partitions.
Make 1 Primary partition, of type FAT32.
Reboot to Windows.
Replace your Android files.
Load Android.
Hope it worked.
Curse my name if it didn't.
Option 2:
Convince the devs to make the initramfs and rootfs boot correctly off these strangely-partitioned sd cards. This is a much trickier proposition, and involves social engineering and persuasion skills outside the scope of this tutorial.
Sweet tits! okay so I used the HP tool mentioned at page 52 or so, formatted this sd-card, put things on and bam I'm in there like swim wear. Ugh. To think I was fuggin around with all this instead of studying for my physical chem mid term. geez. how addicted am I to this flashing business eh? but anyway, thanks a ton! now its just getting to play with everything now!