Originally Posted by S8perman
sweet...thank you sir 
This incorrect. You still need to have the android files on your SD. at the moment the android kernel cannot read the flash flesystem (tp2 internal storage). All this is a very lim version of WM made for booting android. I made one that boots android automatically, both work well. It seems really that it does not matter what ROM you are running on top of, because haret completely unloads WM from memory. The only benefit I see is of course startup time, I got from power on to android desktop in like 2 mins or less with both calk's 6.1 version and my own 6.5.
the progress on android is astounding. having it load before windows UI makes it seem like an android ROM. Couple that with a quick android bootsplash and nobody would know any better if they didn't know that it is impossible at this time to load it natively. Well, maybe the framebuffer loadign sequence would give it away to a geek person, anyone else probably not