Originally Posted by NetApex
Ok, installed and played around with it for a bit. So far loving the speed and the added features that 2.1 allows. Sadly I have had some issues though. Phoneflicks, the Bank of America app, and presumably any app that requires you to open a webview inside of the app doesn't seem to want to connect. I will have to play around more to see if it is something else that I have installed (like Google Goggles maybe) that is causing the issue or not. If someone else could test and verify.. try the Phoneflicks app or the Bank One app and attempt to log in (on either) which will try to make a connection to a website and fail...if it doesn't fail then it is something on my phone.
Just tried PhoneFlicks and got the same result, which sucks cuz I use that app alot, actually more than the actual netflix site (2.1 still worth it tho! lol).