Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
bad choice of words, after i unrar theres no nbh, just a exe or it looks like a exe. just tried again, same deal. its ok though, ive caused you enough time on this.
Ill look into it when I get home, I guess I may have rar-ed the wrong file? Im so confused lol I will check when I get home. Sorry about that.
Originally Posted by info[]box1
Wirelessly posted (Sprint/1.0/HTC_Touch_Pro2_T7380 Opera/9.50 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en))
im loving to the leo stock look.
@prox.. this is my cfay rom and im impressed.
@cfay.. i would love to see a 6.1rom believe or not..lol
Thanks, 6.1 is possible but I doubt it haha 6.1 seems so ancient to me now.