Re: <> 3-7-10 <> Medium Hill Rom's <> SYS 23544 & 21890 <> MH UC & Provisioning v3.2
Dibbs, Regarding the "agps" in google maps, thanks for the quick response.
Just to clarify:
- I meant that the google maps "My Location" feature is not working, which uses "agps" to triangulate your location using cell towers. GPS is working fine. This is a rather nice feature as it allows you to get your location when gps is having a hard time locking... such as in large buildings, etc. Plus it works instantly, where gps can sometimes take a few secs or longer (depending on your location and surroundings). I find the feature extremely useful.
The "My Location" feature is not dependent on GPS, and works without gps being turned on. Verified that it works on other custom roms.
Rhodium OC to 787 w/ Start Menu disabled.
Last edited by cls_; 03-09-2010 at 12:28 AM.