Re: **request for android sub forum** vote
Something tells me the 9 people that voted no were part of the group who were having troubles with the installation... Not shootin yall down any just sayin, if it was click BAMMMM and it worked the voters outcome may be a little different... But since it's still in testing stages we're gonna have some non-believers..
Just imagine the very first ROM ever to be flashed, if people were asked would you try this, i'm sure it'd been spread out across the board yes, no, yes, no, yes no...
But since it had testers, and since it was developed off of something that was already semi-stable enough "windows o/s" it developed into what it is today, doesn't Android deserve the same respect from us..?? I'm sure when some more brain power gets put into this it will be fully functional and just as stable as what we have now and days in the ROM world... I'm not hatin on yall, just sayin... It at least deserves a dedicated thread to grow and develop in because if not, than by the time it is fully functional/stable these threads are gonna be so mixed it's gonna be impossible to to decipher through all the trial/error stages...