03-08-2010, 06:39 PM
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Re: My Pro is Acting Funny...
Originally Posted by BrianJ
It has been running fine til a few days ago, I noticed that when I woke the screen up, it looks like static on the TV (white and black static that is) for half a second then it is fine. Restarted the phone and it worked fine... later I noticed when I turned the phone of a little strip of it stayed on (a line actually about 3/4 way down the screen) for about half a second then off. Another restart, later when I turned the screen off it stayed very very dim, restart again fixed it... see my drift, alot of random screen problems with it turning on and off. Just now my keyboard stopped working and I couldn't clear the new text message. Restart fixed the message but not the keyboard.
This is my second Pro after the keyboard went out on my old Pro about this time last year.
I don't have warranty on it, anyone have any ideas on how to fix it? Also any use taking it to Sprint? If not I will just have to limp it along til I get a new phone til next Auguest
You say you're out of warranty, but do you have the insurance? If you do, Sprint will fix or replace it.