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Old 03-08-2010, 05:26 PM
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Re: Android/Linux for CDMA Touch Pro 2

Originally Posted by cvasale View Post
I just booted the all in one sim card. I'm confused as to when to take out the sim card. I'm on sprint, but my service isn't working and I cant make calls. I took out the sim card, and my phone froze. Just took out battery and I'm going to reboot haret. Could I get some advice as to when to remove the sim card? And is removing the sim card all that's needed for data/phone calls to work? thanks.
Just to be clear- the SIM card is NOT your memory card!!! NEVER TAKE OUT YOUR MEMORY CARD while trying to run an OS off it!

On the subject- with previous builds of android with haret, Android didn't actually need to be on the root of the card. In fact, I found I could have nested builds on the same card by putting a copy of haret + files in its own directory.
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