Originally Posted by DavidinCT
I wish people would finally wait to hear from MIX 2010 to hear everythng directly from MS, I'm seeing stuff all over the place that is not offical, also the fact that it's a alpha now, nothing is 100% final, so, you never know what is there and what will be final. Something could of changed today, or next week...
All I know, is from fact and pictures, on one of the images, they had TomTOM installed and was claimed to be working. Unless they got TomTom to create a custom app, it's running older software. Till MIX 2010, I don't believe anything I read unless it's 100% proven.
If they do change things....and disable all old apps. They better get it F'n right, this is their last shot with me. I have been a PocketPC user from 1.0 and most versions of the years (Thousands of $$$$ of the years). If they are going to make me trash all the apps and games I have paid for and I end up with a slugish OS, it will be the end of Windows Mobile and I....
This is about the only thing that really pisses me off about WP7...all the 100's of cool apps and games, worthless with WP7.
It's official. The guy who is in charge of the developer experience posted it on his blog. That image was fake.
Originally Posted by SolApathy
6 moths of support for current apps, after which they are no longer officially supported & future upgrades to the OS may break the backwards compatibility. You have to keep in mind the reason they are not supporting it at all is to prevent folks from using "ugly" legacy applications, not because it is too much effort to add the support.
MS is trying to re-image it's product. Supporting older apps will hinder that on the marketing side...Because why would developers invest in a new application development if the only thing they were building for would be eye candy.
I'm curious how you know that it's "not because it is too much effort to add the support." It's a different base OS (CE6 vs 5.2) and there's no way all the old APIs would just work on 6. They would have to do a ton of work to bring up the old APIs.
Originally Posted by BBHOLIDAY
 Ok, so old apps wont work, that sucks! but will we be able to create new cabs for free like we currently can? or will we have to have everything approved by MS and pay developer licensing fees, etc? (like Iphone developers)
anyone know?
It's not certain. But at a minimum we should be able to share apps like they do currently on the Zune/ZuneHD. It requires the dev tools to be installed on the user's machine in order to be able to deploy the files to the device but it can be done and it's free.