Naaaa.. when you go to mms options & you have the following tabs.. preferences, blacklist, CDMA Servers & GSM servers.. just need to add that to the server address when you click the samplemmsc.. this ones simple.
Pics & maybe files ( dont send those) are going to be the only things that need the extra settings.
Plain text has worked out the box since feb for me.
While the cabs are easier for some I agree, but what the heck would any of them know what to look at if it needs adjusted other then run another 20 pages of mms issues till someone looks & makes another cab?
Its why they arent getting them back.
I can actually use both msg systems & can take the 8 min it takes to set it up because all those cabs floating around none of them have verizon only settings. ( unless the last 3 wks someone finally did one)
Originally Posted by flyers2114
Oh...he has Arc included already??? I am really lol... 
I am sure there is a Verizon provo app somewhere in this forum...