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Old 03-07-2010, 10:01 PM
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Re: Reputation System

Originally Posted by ridleyj329 View Post
you know i love how everyone says to use the search option rather than start up unnecessary threads or duplicate. I actually searched, found a thread related to a topic, and then posted in it but because its an old thread i'm getting flamed for "waking up an old thread". thank guys really appreciate the help. I must say one of the only useful responses i actually received was from MindFrost82 referring me to go here....
and before i get flamed once more for disturbing the rest of another "sleeping" i did notice that this one was started by mindfrost on 12/22/2008 and closed by Coz just a little over 24hrs later. seeing that this site has evolved quite a bit in the last few months i can only assume that it and possible the rules for regular/vip members has as well. if there is another, more recent thread that i could possibly be referred to to read over as well i would greatly appreciate as i am trying to become a more involved member and am not as knowledgeable as most the rest of you to merit a higher reputation. to those of you that actually tried to help me i really do thank you and to those you who seem more concerned with how old the thread is because i actually did what i was suppose and searched for it rather than blindly starting a new thread i thank you as well.... for encouraging me to write this so that others who decide to search and find that no matter how old a thread is it can still hold some valuable information and how they might get treated for responding to it
props for searching first anyway
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