Originally Posted by razorloves
"wont unlock your phone" is not very detailed. how about letting us know what is going on so that maybe we can help you out. what are you doing exactly and what troubleshooting steps have you tried.
It's as simple as it sounds! I've used both automatic and manual flash. Automatic tells me there a usb sync problem (which is false) then a smaller window pops up and tells me use manual if you have problem with auto=D>! So I use manual and everything is going swimmingly, it even tells me what version I'm on and the update will put me at 1.00 opril something! then error we see that you use this and if you want to use for commercial use etc.... then a smaller window pops up with alternatives and states if you pay you can use instantly.......I paid three times already!!!
I sent cmonex a pm on this site and xda?