Wirelessly posted (Touch Pro 2: Opera/9.80 (Windows Mobile; WCE; Opera Mobi/WMD-50369; U; en) Presto/2.4.13 Version/10.00)
I have one. Not exactly that one but its 99% the same.
It works, but thats about all that can be said about it. For datalogging, its slooooow. 5 PIDs/sec at max. It works to read and clear DTCs no problem though. It will come with a burned mini cd and some software which won't work on your PC.
I use OBDGauge with it for the TP2 and it works great, but I had issues pairing. FYI, the pairing code is 1234, NOT 0000 like is most common. Again though it refreshes very slowly. I am on my phone so I can add more a bit later tonight.
It's cheap, and it performs as such. Depending on what you may need it for, that may work just fine. It should be able to read AWD codes.