Re: My Beloved Vogue: Taps 1/30/10
I took the opportunity to go into one of Sprint repair center and have the Vogue replaced with another vogue. Now, don't get me wrong -- I loved my old vogue which I had been using since it came out (same phone, not a single problem). But it was old and replacing it with another refurbished Vogue will ensure I have a working Vogue for another several years!
The replacement Vogue will arrive this Monday or Tuesday.
Well, to be honest, the rep simply said "I'll order a replacement" which can only mean another Vogue. So I did not bother to ask him if it'll be another Vogue that I'll be receiving.
If they replace it with a Diamond, I'll do everything I can to go to Diamond 2 or back to Vogue. I've heard horrible things about HTC Diamonds.