Originally Posted by p-slim
The fact that your posts keep getting thanked lets us know Its the same butt buddy, nobody new is reading this thread. I'm not going t even go into the rest of your argument because it doesn't prove your point. Just because 1 or 2 people agree and push thanks doesn't mean anything. If everyone that was arguing against you went and hit thanks on all of the posts that disagree with you then you wouldn't have anything to say. On our end we're not going around hitting thanks because we know we're and don't need to see the thanks for acknowledgement.
As I've said this has all been thoroughly hashed out before for any logical or sane person to understand.
An the fact that you keep arguing on the same points still even in light of it all, only shows that you just can’t come to grips with it for what ever reason, perhaps you got hit by lightening a few times as a kid or in some way think this is going to make or save you money in the long run and could care less about how that effects anyone else, which clearly seems to be the case by your blatant self interest in virtually every one of your posts.
What ever the case may be you don’t represent the majority by far if you research this, as for most, an even with the ones who first support but that then learn about all the lies and how and what the carriers are doing, most people don’t like being robbed and as more an more people learn about this and alternatives come out, they always come around.
So banter all you want to serve yourself cause for every one of you there are many many more like me, so if I were you I would start saving my pennies for that rainy day.